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National Forum Virtual Series: Belinda Moore

  • 14 Aug 2020
  • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Online

Registration is closed

PLNZ National Forum Zoom Session  - Association Futurist

When someone joins your organisation they don’t care about the number of members you have. Instead, they care about the positive outcomes you can create for them and the community as a whole. In this session, Belinda will discuss the significant way membership models are changing globally and the opportunities for libraries to adapt, and enable deeper engagement with, and value to, their local communities. 

More about Belinda is here:

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Meeting ID: 929 9904 8844
Passcode: PLNZ

Please use the register button to RSVP and the Zoom link and password for the online session will be emailed to you.

Please do not share this Zoom link or password.
RSVP’s and passwords are being used to ensure the Zoom  is a ‘safe space’.
Please ask any colleagues to RSVP to receive the link and password to join.


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p: 027 6411 517

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